Is that what this is?

At my first visit back at the Zimmer Clinic,my wife asked the surgeon how soon I would recover and be back at work.I don't recall an answer,but do recall a slight smile.The oncologist wanted me back on chemo in 2 weeks for 6 more treatments of the same chemo I'd had in 2005 after my colon was removed.It wasn't too bad,so I agreed readily.

When I retuinred to start 2 weeks later,I was told I had done so well on 5FU that I would go back on that.The wife and I both hated that but went along since we were already there and ready to hook up.That was my last dose.I didn't go nuts like before,but after it I decided quality of life was better than quantity,so told them I was done with chemo therapy.

Soon I began to feel better and gain a little weight.I was feeling so good I decided to recharge some batteries I had and carried a couple to my back porch to hook them to a charger.The next morning I couldn't get out of bed.I had pulled something and my right leg hurt like hell.Usually it was a disc I slipped out but my back wasn't hurting yet.

I moved around as best I could that day and hoped for better the next day.Next morning it was in my lower back and left leg.Then both legs and back.I didn't know if it was a chemo effect,or pinched nerves.It set me back about a full week before I could move around,and another month until I felt no pain.

Again I began to regain my strenght and put on weight and basically felt good.When I thought I must have gotten that 42% full cure Kotwal said was possible,I began to relapse again.I think most of the problems were chemo side effects.or drug side effcts from the surgery even though in about a month I was sure I had recovered fully from the surgery.

The next bad side effect was decreasing energy and appetite.I started going the other way,I thought.I began to tire quicker,seemingly as each day came and went.Soon I noticed my wind decreasing.I couldn't walk ten feet without giving out of breath and having to rest ten minutes if I carried a bag of groceries in the house.I began getting sore spots around my breasts and soon noticed increased development in them.Before long I was convinced I was relapsing into another round of cancer,this time I assumed in the lungs since I had no wind.

SO I called Ungaro,and made another appointment for a checkup.We did the usual,gave some blood for a lab test,and scheduled a CT Scan.I was convinced I had lung cancer and told a good friend that,who promptly told me to leave that diagnosis up to the guys with the MDs after their names.Of course he was right.

I remember the night before I was scheduled for the scan,it snowed like yall know what,so I rescheduled and had it that Friday,Jan 23,2009.Four days later on Jan 27,2009 Ungaro read the report,examined the scan and said he didn't see a thing for concern.Remission!

The sore breasts were natural for many men my age.There's a name for it but I no longer care until I take a shower.Perhaps that knowledge of "remission" was the magic pill.I again began to recover quickly.My appetite slowly came back,my weight came back on,my aches and pains again began going away.

During February I began to feel good again and again was beginning to think I had gotten the full cure.Now at the end of March,I don't really know.Though I've gained back most of my weight and feel good most of the day,after a few hours of just being out of bed and doing light errands,I get very tired.I usually have to rest in the afternoon,and when I have to get up in the early AM for a toilet trip,my knees and whole body hurt like heck.

It's just hard for me to believe how much has changed in the last 16 months.Today March 19,2009 I had my Driver's License renewed,but I'm not sure I'll ever drive again.My equilibrium is off,and my mind feels like it's way off.I stagger when I walk,and my temper fuse has been cut in half..I explode over nothing-something I rarely did until I started chemp in 2005.Whether all these symptoms are chemo related,I do not know.All I know is that they are new to me!Later.