Next time Mom says she sees a dark circle,I'm gonna run.But seriously,I tried to live by faith,not by sight;so I paid little attention at the time.When I found out I had a 11 centimeter tumor on the right lobe of my liver,I wanted to slap Morgan's face.Mom said my face looked ten years older when I got back to the car.I was no longer that "perfect picture".

Dr Ungaro introduced me to Dr Kotwal the next day.He told me of the six or seven different ways I could die on the table,and another half dozen or so infections that could kill me while I was in the hospital recovering.I guess my fear didn't show,so he scheduled me for a Pet Scan to make sure there was nothing else nearby he couldn't see from the CT Scan.He also told me he wanted me to do some more chemo to reduce the tumor size.This really thrilled me!Mom too!

I was to have six 5FU Chemos,then surgery if I survived the chemo.I've asked several nurses,and talked to a few people,but none of them recognized the symptomology I got from 5FU.I assume it was from the steroids or other drugs they give you first so you can survive the 5FU.The short of it is,I lost my mind.