Wellk In April of 2005,Tom Clancy removed my colon and resectioned my small intestine and I woke up sometime the next day.I remember it was just before dark when I woke up and I began to cry because God had seen fit not to remove the tumor before the surgery.After reading two books on healing,one by Smith Wigglesworth,and praying real hard,I just knew God was gonna give me a miracle.Well now I think He did-He gave me the grace to withstand my ordeal,plus He gave me an experience which would enlighten me to the wonders of modern medicine plus put me in the most positive environment I had ever been in.

I tell you this right now-if you get sick,NHRMC is the place to go.That is the most positive place I ever spent time at.I never once saw a bad attitude,or a frowning face.Those people healed sickness with their attitude.I found more Christ in them than I ever found in most churches I went to.It's as if Christ enters them all when they arrive at work.I cannot praise them enough.Even the housekeeepers were positive and pleasant.If you get blue,unhappy or depressed just go hang out there awhile.If they don't make you feel better,you're a goner and may as well settle your affairs!

Also they gave me a flipper,that's a remote for cable TV which I didn't have at home,so I had a ball flipping every day I was there!I watched some great programs,not a one of which I remember.The nurses treated me like royalty waiting on me head and foot.I did not want to leave that place.But alas,as Tom Clancy said,the longer you stay the more you become just a bag of water.So soon as I started crapping good,and walked around the hall a coupla times,Donny Thomas came in and told me I was leaving the next day.

Living in an RV is not for the lame,which I still was with staples from my chest below my navel.But alas,I was leaving.So next day I pulled my clothes on and sat in a chair wondering if I could crawl up my deck,into the RV,then crawl into the bed from the foot of it.And like everyone else,I learned that you do what you have to do or you live in your vehicle.

It never hurt near as bad as I thawt it would.My biggest problem is I didn't have a flipper,and only got three channels anyhow.But I did have the best nurse on the planet-my wife.She was a champion!

More goodies acomin,so yall keep acomin!