After quitting chemo,I started eating good again,gaining weight,sleeping good,feeling good,even in a better mood most of the time.I was happy as a pig in mud,livin on the waterway,watchin the yachts go buy,the barges get stuck on sand bars,fish jumping,sea eagles,pelicans,and storks diving for a meal.The biggest thrill was watching and hearing the Canada geese get up in the early morning and head towards New River or Sneads Ferry marshes for the day;then fly back over near dusk to settle down for the night around Becky's Creek.

Chloe would,of course,make my day when I got home-whether at 7PM or 3AM.She let the neighbors know I was home,and she and I would check the emails,headlines and forums.Chloe loved playin puter with dad!

I guess it was around Sept or Oct when I got the good news about my lot maybe being sold.The dream was about to end.Anyhow,as I told ya before,we went house hunting and after a month or so found the ideal place,A week before we moved in,we rode over just to remind ourselves how lucky we were

.Then my alledgedly intuitive wife told me she saw a dark circle around the house.I told her it must have been something she ate.Driving back to the RV,she started putting out those wierd vibrations women put out,and men wonder what the heck goes on in those crazy female minds!After 35 years of it,I paid it little attention.Little did I know just what it was an omen of!